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Jacques Jos & Zoon Tuinmachines


Voor hulp? Bel ons +32 11 68.32.66 

All components are also used in the administrator area of your website. In addition to the ones listed here, there are components in the administrator that do not have direct front end displays, but do help shape your site. The most important ones for most users are

  • Media Manager
  • Extensions Manager
  • Menu Manager
  • Global Configuration
  • Banners
  • Redirect

Media Manager

The media manager component lets you upload and insert images into content throughout your site. Optionally, you can enable the flash uploader which will allow you to to upload multiple images. Help

Extensions Manager

The extensions manager lets you install, update, uninstall and manage all of your extensions. The extensions manager has been extensively redesigned, although the core install and uninstall functionality remains the same as in Joomla! 1.5. Help

Menu Manager

The menu manager lets you create the menus you see displayed on your site. It also allows you to assign modules and template styles to specific menu links. Help

Global Configuration

The global configuration is where the site administrator configures things such as whether search engine friendly urls are enabled, the site meta data (descriptive text used by search engines and indexers) and other functions. For many beginning users simply leaving the settings on default is a good way to begin, although when your site is ready for the public you will want to change the meta data to match its content. Help


The banners component provides a simple way to display a rotating image in a module and, if you wish to have advertising, a way to track the number of times an image is viewed and clicked. Help


The redirect component is used to manage broken links that produce Page Not Found (404) errors. If enabled it will allow you to redirect broken links to specific pages. It can also be used to manage migration related URL changes. Help


About Mega

Juridische mededeling

De juridische kennisgeving is ingevoerd in een poging om gebruikersgegevens te beschermen en illegale inhoud en spam te bestrijden, door eigenaren van websites te verplichten zich te identificeren, en daarmee verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor de content op hun platform.

Onze diensten

  • Herstellingen accu gereedschap
  • Herstellingen snoeigereedschap
  • Herstellingen zitmaaiers
  • Herstellingen grasmaaiers
  • Herstellingen boomzagen
  • Herstellingen Bladblazers
  • Klantenservice
  • wisselstukken service

Contact us

Jacques Jos & Zoon
Herstellen, verkoop, en onderdelen verkoop


3800 Sint-Truiden
Tel: 032 11 68. 32. 66

GSM: +32 473 71.52.82

Surface Pro 4 Table

Here is the pop up panel you can use to promote any product or products that you think your customers should see at the very top of the website. You can use 6 different modules positions between intro-1 and intro-6.

215,00 €